Thursday 14 May 2020

Face masks

As the pandemic lockdown begins to lift in the UK I thought that I had better get organised. Imagining that there will probably be some situations where face masks are required to be worn and with medical standard masks in short supply and, rightly, reserved for medical professionals, care workers and vulnerable individuals, I decided to make some.

A few weeks ago someone shared a link to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website - an organisation in the US.  Not only do they have a very helpful section on how to properly put on, wear, and take off a face mask safely, but a few ways that you can make one.

There are a number of no-sew options but I decided to give the version that required sewing a go - not least because it gave me a good excuse to dig out all of my fabric!

In the end I made 12 masks but only had appropriate elastic for three.  I have posted four masks to my parents as my Mum said she had some elastic so I'm now on the hunt for suitably narrow elastic. I guess I could always repurpose some elastic bands but don't relish the thought of getting the rubber caught up in my hair (ouch!)

With an outing scheduled for Saturday where wearing masks is compulsory, it seems that my project was completed in the nick of time!

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