Friday, 6 September 2019

Country pursuits

Having exchanged my very urban lifestyle to one much more rural, I have spent the last couple of weekends engaged in very country pursuits. And by that I mean foraging.

I have to say I've never seen so many beautifully fat and ripe blackberries in my life as there are within a stones throw of the house (and I'm not skilled at throwing stones a very great distance!) So far we have picked around 3 kilos and there are still many more for the picking.

To say that there are a few jars of blackberry gin on the go would be an understatement. We are even experimenting with blackberry and vanilla vodka.

And when we ran out of gin jars and room in the freezer, I progressed onto jam.

A huge crop of sloes has been spied but they are not quite ready yet, however the elderberries were at their best last weekend. I had no idea what to make with them but just couldn't leave them on the tree. In the end, the simplest thing to turn them into seemed to be cordial - great diluted with sparkling or still water or even, dare I say, sparkling wine!

We're now just off to pick apples as we've had a call from a friend who has more than he knows what to do with. Another friend has also alerted us to the location of a crop of damsons. To say I'm excited at the prospect of wondering down a green lane on a sunny, late summer afternoon, armed with some empty plastic containers would be a complete understatement. Sometimes it's the simplest of things that can make us happy!

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