Thursday, 2 January 2020

2019 round-up

2019 was a year of change for me. I think the only constant thing has been the contents of my wardrobe. Even the wardrobe changed. Twice! The year has been wonderful and exhausting in equal measure.

I have certainly had less time to get creative and when I have been creative I have rarely also found the time to write a blog about it, hence the rather low number of blog posts. However, as I browse through my photos from the year I thought it would be a good opportunity to do a round-up of the things that didn't quite make it first time around.

I'll start with the jewellery board I made for my soon-to-be-step-daughter for her birthday in July. She had been admiring mine so it seemed only fair to make her one of her own, including some very special buttons from one of her Dad's old uniforms.

Next up was to treat the spare room bedside lamp to a new lampshade. I say 'new' but I have to say I don't think I ever saw it with an old one! The fabric was a gift from some friends of friends and I'd been desperate to turn it into something for years.

In September we decided to do a big furniture switch between houses. The goal was to give me a space to work and create in. This meant swapping a double bed for a futon and a desk. The bed had been swathed in fabric and I soon found out why. A certain small girl had covered it in pony, football and knight stickers many years ago!

Liberal use of 'Sticky Stuff Remover', a quick sand, the application of some black satin gloss paint found in the loft and it was a bed transformed!

I also finally decided to take the guess-work out of trying to find hats, gloves and all things required for a dog walk, with the natty use of some hand-crafted felt labels.

And before we knew it, Christmas was upon us. This year's Christmas tree decorations were sewn and dispatched...

... and I even found time to make a cake and decorate it before the family arrived for the festive season.

And I couldn't possibly not make a wreath for the door.

Whilst a new pom-pom was made for someone's Christmas jumper, just in time for the village outdoor carol concert.

Finally, but most definitely not least, I'd like to share with you my two favourite hand-made Christmas presents. Firstly, the fabulous Secret Santa gift I received of these make-your-own soup pots. Not only do they look gorgeous but they are a doddle to cook and taste great. One was made for the family over Christmas and the second has just been cooked up ready for some healthy packed lunches.

Secondly, my wonderful new potting shed. I have a pile of seed and bulb packets just waiting to get planted so I had better get my wellies on!

May 2020 be a healthy, happy and creative one for you!

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