Monday, 28 March 2016


Apparently it takes a professional shearer approximately 2 minutes to shear a sheep but how long does it take to put a fleece on a sheep? I guess the sheep would say it takes a full year of dedicated grass eating but, if my experience over the past two weeks is anything to go by, I'd say about 10 hours.

OK, so it wasn't an actual sheep that I was re-fleecing but a small crocheted one. However, you hopefully get the idea that it was quite a laborious process.

I'm talking, of course, about my latest crochet project that I had first attempted back in October. On that occasion, after 6 hours of starting, unpicking, re-starting and yet again unpicking I had nothing to show for my efforts except a splitting headache and a crick in my neck. Fortunately, my second attempt two weeks ago was much more successful, mainly thanks to some moral support and advice at the last Craft Club gathering. By the end of the afternoon I had a body and head to show for my efforts and by the end of the following day I had 4 legs, a pair of ears and a tail.

That just left me to stuff the pieces, sew them together and then add the fleece. This final bit was a tiny line in the instruction booklet so surely I'd have this little sheep done and dusted and ready for his new owner?  Let's just say, after the first hour of attaching 8-chain loops to the body of my sheep I realised I was in this for the long-haul and BBC Radio 4's Drama of the Week podcasts were summoned alongside copious mugs of tea.

Anyway, the little chap - courtesy of Edward's Menagerie by Kerry Lord - is now complete. Now we just need the new baby to arrive!

Oh, and now I've got the crocheting bug once again, I just have decide which animal to make next...!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! What a perfect gift and individual for a new baby. Elephant next? :-)
