Monday, 5 November 2018

Thrifty decorations

Over the summer I had a bit of a clear out and found piles of felt left over from an old craft project. There were a range of colours but a strangely large amount of brown felt existed. Naturally I began thinking what I could do with it and Christmas sprang to mind, which regular readers won't be surprised to learn, since I do love all things Christmas and often begin making decorations as soon as the tree is down in January - sometimes you just need to strike as and when inspiration occurs!

Anyway, the brown felt was pulled out, along with some scraps of white. The button pot was raided and the ribbon drawer searched. Soon, the raw ingredients for Christmas puddings (of the felt variety) were being assembled.

As you may imagine, cutting out felt circles creates a lot of small off-cuts, however close together you place your circle templates.  A friend spotted the growing pile of tiny bits of felt and suggested I use them as the stuffing. A brilliant idea, so these little beauties really are the epitome of thrift and waste-reduction. I have to admit to buying the green ribbon but everything else came from left-overs.

I have a tradition of sending hand made Christmas tree decorations in place of Christmas Cards and with this year's gift decorations already made, I had thought I was being very organised for 2019. However, my friend reminded me of the Christmas Fair that the local hospice holds at the end of November and so I have bundled up a pile of puddings and passed them on to be sold.

After all, I do have plenty of time to make more for 2019!